一、 研究方向及招聘人数



二、 导师介绍

合作导师(浙江大学):陈宝梁,浙江大学求是特聘教授、博士生导师,环境与资源学院院长,国家杰出青年基金获得者、国家自然基金委创新研究群体负责人,Science of the Total Environment副主编。陈宝梁教授长期从事环境界面化学与污染调控原理、环境功能材料开发及应用。相关成果Environmental Science & TechnologyWater ResearchApplied Catalysis B: EnvironmentalJournal of Materials Chemistry A《中国科学》等国内外重要刊物上发表论文170余篇,引用次数8500余次。详情见个人主页:https://person.zju.edu.cn/0099049

合作导师(浙江大学):褚驰恒,浙江大学环境与资源学院百人计划研究员,博士生导师。褚驰恒博士主要从事自由基的反应机理和污染控制调控方面的研究,在PNASEnvironmental Science & TechnologyAccounts of Chemical Research ACS Catalysis等国际顶级环境化学领域刊物发表多篇SCI论文。详情见个人主页:https://person.zju.edu.cn/chihengchu#0

合作导师(耶鲁大学):Jae-Hong Kim, 耶鲁大学教授,环境与化工领域国际权威学者,现任耶鲁大学化学与环境工程学院院长,ES&T Engineering副主编。Jae-Hong Kim教授课题组长期致力于开发高效可持续的环境修复材料和技术,在Nature NanotechnologyNature SustainabilityPNASJACSEnvironmental Science & TechnologyEnergy & Environmental Science等国际顶级环境污染控制领域刊物发表论文100余篇;引用次数8000余次。详情见个人主页:http://www.yaleseas.com/jaehongkim/?r=home





1. 品学兼优,年龄不超过30周岁;

2. 近三年获得国内C9高校或第四轮学科评估A+学科或海外顶尖大学的博士学位(含应届毕业生);

3. 有良好的学术表现及学术发展潜力,未来有志于到浙江大学从事教学科研工作;

4. 勤奋主动、责任心强、认真负责,具有良好的英语沟通交流能力和团队协作精神。













Joint Postdoctoral Fellowship Program: Zhejiang University and Yale University


The College of Environmental & Resource Sciences of Zhejiang University and Department of Chemical & Environmental Engineering of Yale University are seeking a candidate for a joint postdoctoral research associate with an expertise in developing advanced materials and processes for environmental remediation applications. The postdoctoral researcher will work together with Prof. Baoliang Chen and Prof. Chiheng Chu at Zhejiang University, and Prof. Jae-Hong Kim at Yale University.


Program description

The postdoctoral researcher will be funded for two years with possibility of extension (200,000 for the first year at Zhejiang University and 300,000 for the second year at Yale University). The postdoctoral researcher will also enjoy other benefits offered by Zhejiang University for its postdoctoral fellows. Outstanding postdoctoral research associate is encouraged to apply for the Zhejiang University tenure-track positions upon completion of the program. The postdoctoral researcher will work on developing high-performance catalysts for environmental remediation applications, including catalyst synthesis and characterization, performance test, structure-performance relationship establishment, and environmental remediation modular system build-up.


Application procedure

Applications should include a CV and copies of less than three representative publications to chuchiheng@zju.edu.cn. Review of applications will commence immediately and will continue until the position is filled. Eligible candidates will be interviewed by a joint committee from Zhejiang University and Yale University. Selection of the postdoctoral research associate will be based on his or her academic record.


Host group introduction

Prof. Baoliang Chen: https://person.zju.edu.cn/en/0099049

Prof. Chiheng Chu: https://person.zju.edu.cn/chihengchu

Prof. Jae-Hong Kim: http://www.yaleseas.com/jaehongkim/