1. 35周岁以下,已经或即将获得博士学位并在博士期间从事药剂学、生物材料、组织工程、干细胞、分子生物学等相关专业工作,已发表有影响的科研论文。
2. 就读于国内外有影响力的大学。
1. 为优秀博士后提供不低于20万的年薪,按政策视工作业绩给予额外科研奖励。
2. 拟录用博士后同时进入浙江大学李达三·叶耀珍干细胞与再生医学中心的,提供学科交叉联合合作导师(导师名单见后)。
3. 为博士后提供一流的实验与科研研究条件,以及参加国内外高水平学术会议或国外大学训练和学习的机会,支持申报国家青年基金、博士后科学基金以及其他国家与地方的科技项目。
4. 可申请租住学校博士后公寓。
5. 按照学校规定,人事关系进入学校后从事博士后研究工作3年及以上的博士后研究人员,可申报高级专业技术职务任职资格。优秀博士后期满出站后可按照浙江大学规定申报特聘研究员等教师岗位(参照浙江大学相关规定执行)。
1. 个人简历(本科开始的学习和工作经历,简述主要研究方法、研究成果及受聘后的工作设想和目标,重要代表性著论或论文)。
2. 已取得的成果材料和学位复印件(预毕业证明材料)等。
3. 推荐信2封(可通过审核后补)。
1. 肿瘤/脑部疾病靶向纳米制剂
2. 神经/皮肤组织再生的研究
3. 干细胞相关研究
4. 经皮给药及外用制剂
合作导师:高建青教授,博士生导师,浙江大学研究生“五号导学团队”主导师,浙江大学药学院副院长,药物制剂技术国家地方联合工程实验室副主任,浙江大学李达三·叶耀珍干细胞与再生医学中心副主任,浙江大学(杭州)创新医药研究院副院长,全军特种损伤防治药物重点实验室常务副主任,浙江大学药物制剂研究所所长。兼任日本大阪大学特聘教授,中国药学会药剂专业委员会委员,浙江省药学会药剂专业委员会副主任委员,江苏省新型外用及透皮制剂工程技术研究中心主任,国家食品药品监督管理局药品审评专家。主持包括8项国家自然科学基金和科技部重点研发计划在内的国家及省部级项目20余项。在Adv Mater, ACS Nano, Adv Funct Mater, ACS Cent Sci, J Control Rel等杂志发表学术论文250余篇。Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences副主编,《中国现代应用药学》副主编,国内外4本专业杂志编委。爱思唯尔中国高被引学者。
有意向者请将应聘材料发至邮箱:高老师gaojianqing@zju.edu.cn,电话:0571-88208436 。
Type of employment: Limit of tenure, 2 years
Salary: More than 200,000 RMB
Location: Zijingang Campus, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou
First day of employment: asap
Zhejiang University located in Hangzhou, one of the most beautiful cities in China, ranks as one of the top research institutions in China and demonstrates ins academic excellence with rapidly rising presence in global university ranking. We provide a collaborative research environment and the access to state-of-art infrastructure and core facility. We offer Competitive salary and excellent benefits which are commensurate with qualifications and experience. Moreover, we provide a postdoctoral apartment for postdoctoral fellow.
Dr. Jian-Qing Gao is the Professor and Chairman in the Institute of Pharmaceutics at College of Pharmaceutical Sciences in Zhejiang University, the Deputy Director in the Center of Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine of Zhejiang University and the Special appointed Professor in Osaka University. He obtained MS degree in Pharmaceutics from Zhejiang Medical University in 1996, and Ph.D. degree in Biopharmaceutics from Osaka University, Japan in 2005. He was a Research Scientist at the Institute for Frontier Life and Medical Sciences in Kyoto University. He has published more than 200 scientific papers including review articles and book chapters, and has acquired more than 30 patents. He serves as Associate Editor of Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Chinese Journal of Modern Applied Pharmacy.
Representative publications:
Neural Stem Cells Transfected with Reactive Oxygen Species-Responsive Polyplexes for Effective Treatment of Ischemic Stroke, Adv. Mater, 2019, Jan 11, e1807591
MnO2 Nanoparticle-Dotted Hydrogel Promote Spinal Cord Repair via Regulating ROS Microenvironment and Synergy with Mesenchymal Stem Cells, ACS Nano, 2019,13, 14283-14293
tumor targeted near-infrared light-controlled nanocomposite to combat with multidrug resistance of cancer, J Control Rel, 2018, 288:34-44
Eligibility/Entry Requirement:
1. Under 35-years-old, qualified for the position as postdoctoral fellow is a person who holds a doctorate at home or a foreign degree that is deemed equivalent to a doctorate and who has completed the degree within the three years prior to the last date for applications, unless there are valid reasons.
2. The candidate should have a strong background in Physics, Chemistry or equivalent at the date of recruitment. Experience in one or more of the areas named below is a strong merit: Pharmaceutics,Biomaterials, Tissue Engineering, Stem Cells, Molecular Biology.
3. The candidate should have strong research merits and excellent publications are required. Proficiency in English, both spoken and written, is required, as well as good ability to co-operate and take own initiatives. The project will be adapted based on the competence of the selected candidate, and his/her interests.
A complete application should include:
Introductory letter including a 2-page statement of research interests relative to the above topics and a motivation of why your expertise is appropriate for the position.
• Curriculum Vitae (CV) including a complete list of scientific publications.
• Copies of doctoral degree certificates, including documentation of completed academic courses and obtained grades, and other relevant degree certificates.
• A copy of your PhD thesis and copies of (max 5) original research publications relevant to the above topics, numbered according to the publication list.
• Names and contact information for three persons willing to act as references.
• Any other information relevant for the position
Please observe that all material needs to be written in English. If material is submitted in other languages a translation to Chinese or English must be included.
Welcome with your application
Contact Information
Jianqing Gao,Ph.D., Professor,Vice Dean
College of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Zhejiang University, China
Deputy Director
the Center of Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine
Zhejiang University, China