
外籍教师中文培训活动顺利举办 Basic Chinese language training for foreign experts was successfully launched

发布时间 :2024-05-06    阅读次数 :377



On the afternoon of March 15, 2024, the first-of-its-kind basic Chinese training activity for our foreign teachers was successfully held at Zijingang Campus, activity center of #102 Qinghe East 5 Teaching Building, with a total of 11 participants from 8 countries. At least twenty full-time foreign teachers showed interest in and signed up for this Chinese course. The course is organized through cooperation between the HR department, the Labor Union, the School of International Studies, and the International College for the current academic year of 2023-2024.

This Chinese training activity aims to facilitate better integration of these teachers into school life and work, enhance their sense of belonging to the school, and accelerate the creation of an inclusive international campus culture and atmosphere.

本次培训由来自国际教育学院的占田田老师担任主讲教师。课上,占老师绘声绘色地为各位外籍教师讲授了声母、韵母及日常基本中文会话等知识。外籍教师们两两一组,共同练习中文对话。外国语学院的Timothy John Osborne教授等教师积极提问,占老师耐心细致地解答了外籍教师们的问题。热烈的讨论和交流使得课堂氛围欢快活跃。

The Chinese training course was led by an experienced Chinese teacher, Zhan Tiantian, from the International College of Zhejiang University, who provided the course in a simplified manner. The language training began with commonly used expressions and greetings, before progressing to daily expressions typically encountered in day-to-day activities. Throughout the training session, the foreign teachers worked in pairs to practice Chinese conversation. Professor Timothy John Osborne from the School of International Studies and other teachers raised questions actively and Teacher Zhan patiently and meticulously addressed the queries of the foreign teachers.


The HR department took the initiative to organize such a wonderful activity for our foreign experts. The HR department will continue to enhance coordination and mobilize other departments to establish similar platforms for the benefit of our foreign experts. Furthermore, the HR department expressed its commitment to continuing to provide such activities in the future to assist foreign teachers in better integrating into the school, enhancing their sense of belonging and happiness, and contributing further to the establishment of a new highland for higher education, fostering openness to the outside world and positioning the university at the forefront of world-class institutions.

(文 汪可Debeli Dereje Kebebew/摄影 王家月)