


1.Talent Recruitment and Management Center 

Recruitment and management of public-nature staff, management of personnel affairs of public-nature staff (employment evaluation and contract renewal, annual evaluation, retirement and resignation,intra-school transfer and post adjustment, part-time employment of teachers inside and outside the school, extension of senior experts, etc.), introduction and management of part-time talents, and formulation and implementation of relevant personnel systems.



2.Talent Development and Training Center

Planning and development of the school's teaching staff, establishment and allocation of teaching positions; tenure evaluation for faculty members, evaluation of various professional and technical positions, adjustment of professional and technical position levels, promotion of administrative staff, formulation and implementation of relevant policies for the employment of technical and skilled positions; development and implementation of in-service training plans for faculty and staff (including in-service education, cross-disciplinary learning for teachers, specialized training for management abilities and internationalization training of administrative staff; handling the application, selection, approval, and necessary procedures for long-term international exchange programs.



3.Resource Allocation and Security Center

The management of labor wages and internal income distribution for all staff public-nature staff across the entire school; welfare and social security for all public-nature staff; allocation and disbursement of funds for position appointments, partial talent introduction expenses, resettlement expenses, etc.; management of personnel entry records for affiliated hospitals; management of retired staff returning to work; assessment and management of economically independent accounting units; statistical reporting on salary.



4.Human Resources Service Center

Formulation and guidance of policies for internal labor dispatch, comprehensive management and service for dispatched personnel, maintenance of information for dispatched personnel in the human resources database; formulation and coordination of policies for service outsourcing; management and service for the entire process of recruitment, training, and completion for various domestic visiting scholars; the accepting and arranging special training for ethnic minority students; processing of registration procedures for staff in professional positions and postdoctoral fellows; reporting and management of mid-level cadres and personnel involved in classified information; verification of qualifications for university teacher certification; verification of the thirty-year teaching honor certificate in Zhejiang Province; application and renewal of private passports for mid-level cadres; processing of private trips abroad for various personnel; custody of passports and travel documents for personnel involved in classified information, review of their entry and exit statuses; review of childcare expenses reimbursement; assistance to relevant departments in verifying the nature of personnel involved, such as verification of the nature of overseas travel for official purposes, as well as issuance of various personnel certificates.



5.Postdoctoral Affairs Office

Planning and implementing of the postdoctoral team of the school; establishment and evaluation of postdoctoral research mobile stations; approval for admission and exit of postdoctoral fellows; daily management tasks such as registration of postdoctoral fellows upon admission, official record of overseas travel, determination of intermediate professional and technical positions, and approval for extensions; application and management of various special funds, fund projects, and academic exchange projects for postdoctoral fellows; reception and archiving of postdoctoral files; induction training for newly admitted postdoctoral fellows; coordination of matters related to jointly recruiting enterprise postdoctoral fellows.



6.General Information Office

Comprehensive coordination; document management and archiving; information submission; drafting documents; receiving visitors; arranging meetings; managing departmental funds and equipment; issuing documents for cadre appointments and dismissals; construction and maintenance of information technology platforms related to HR; compilation of personnel data statistics and reports; organization of socialized examinations and training; provision of title evaluation services for external organizations; logistical support for the department.