
品味浙江历史 体验非遗文化——我校外籍教师文化体验活动顺利举办 A Visit to Zhejiang Provincial Museum for International Faculty was Held on July 4

发布时间 :2024-07-12    阅读次数 :29


To enhance the understanding of Chinese culture and history among foreign teachers, the Human Resources Department Office, in collaboration with Office of Global Engagement and the School of International Studies, organized a visit to the Zhejiang Provincial Museum (Zhijiang) and Zhejiang Intangible Cultural Museum on July 4, 2024. Over ten foreign teachers from seven countries participated in this event.


The trip aimed to provide international faculty members with insights into Chinese history, culture, and traditions as documented in the museum, beginning with artifacts from the early dynasties. Special guide was given to the historical development of Zhejiang province and the cultural heritage particularly from the Yue Kingdom, Qin Dynasty, Han Dynasty, Song Dynasty and others dynasties or kingdoms with preserved historical technologies. The museum tour was led by a professional guide from the Zhejiang Provincial Museum. The presentations were highly interactive, with many foreign teachers actively engaging by asking questions about the preservation and documentation of artifacts from over 5,000 years ago.


Additionally, the teachers came to the Zhejiang Intangible Cultural Museum to explore traditional weaving techniques and handicrafts, and even had the opportunity to weave a bamboo basket themselves. Many participants expressed that such hands-on experiences are crucial for gaining a deeper understanding of Chinese culture.

活动结束后,外籍教师们纷纷表示通过本次参观体验活动了解了很多历史知识。来自光电科学与工程学院的Endale Tamiru Basore老师表示非常感谢学校组织本次活动,通过这次活动,他了解了中国数千年来的历史,是这些历史奠定了如今现代化的中国,活动十分有趣,对他来说是一次新奇的体验。

After the event, the foreign teachers expressed that they learned a lot of historical knowledge through this visit. Mr. Endale Tamiru Basore from the School of Optical science and Engineering said that he really thanked for the informative visit to the Zhejiang Provincial Museum, where the millennia-old history of the Chinese people had established today's modern China. The visit was enjoyable and interesting and every moment with a series of new historical sites was the first experience for him.


This activity not only enriches the cultural life of foreign teachers, but also provides them with an opportunity to know more about Chinese history and culture. Organizers of this event conveyed their commitment to arranging more such activities in the future. These initiatives are designed to help faculty members master Chinese culture more easily and foster motivation for further study, enhancing their interaction with colleagues and the Chinese community.

(文 汪可Debeli Dereje Kebebew/摄影 王家月、黄璐)